09/22/2024, 09:00 PM UTC
2021年‘宝可球’专利可能成为任天堂Palworld诉讼的核心2021 ‘Pokeball’ patent could be at the centre of Nintendo’s Palworld lawsuit
➀ 任天堂和宝可梦公司对Pocketpair提起诉讼,称其游戏《Palworld》侵犯了公司的专利。涉嫌的专利可能涉及宝可球的机制。 ➁ 该专利于2023年12月在日本获得批准,就在《Palworld》发布之前。 ➂ 这起诉讼对游戏行业具有重要意义,可能为游戏机制专利的合法性设定法律先例。➀ Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair, claiming that their game 'Palworld' infringes on a patent. The patent in question likely covers the mechanics of the Pokeball. ➁ The patent was granted to Nintendo in Japan in December 2023, just before 'Palworld' was released. ➂ The lawsuit is significant as it could set a legal precedent for game mechanics patents in the industry.
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