10/08/2024, 05:00 PM UTC
Q4前十大能源股Top Energy Stocks For Q4
1. 2024年能源行业表现不佳,因油价下跌和需求减弱。2. 中国的经济刺激计划和中东的地缘政治紧张局势支持了油价和能源行业。3. SA Quant已确定了四只评级最高的能源股,这些股票具有积极的因素评级和‘强烈买入’或‘买入’推荐。1. The energy sector has underperformed in 2024 due to declining oil prices and weakened demand. 2. China's economic stimulus and Middle East geopolitical tensions have supported oil prices and the energy sector. 3. SA Quant has identified four top-rated energy stocks with positive factor grades and 'strong buy' or 'buy' recommendations.