11/26/2024, 06:38 PM UTC
智能集群:团队合作对无人机也很重要The Intelligent Swarm: Teamwork is also important for drones
➀ 赫尔姆霍兹弗里贝格资源技术研究所和高级系统理解中心进行了测试,以创建一个具有特定任务的自主集群的概念框架。该集群旨在高效扫描不规则结构的环境。 ➁ 该研究旨在通过使用无人机来改善经济繁荣、社会发展以及环境保护。 ➂ 提出的系统对故障更具弹性,并能快速恢复。它已经在虚拟和真实无人机集群中进行了测试,证明了其可靠性和性能。➀ The Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology and the Center for Advanced Systems Understanding have conducted tests to create a conceptual framework for an autonomous swarm with a specific mission. The swarm is designed to efficiently scan irregularly structured environments. ➁ The research aims to improve economic prosperity, social development, and environmental protection through the use of drones. ➂ The proposed system is more resilient to failures and can recover quickly. It has been tested both in virtual and real drone swarms, demonstrating its reliability and performance.