10/17/2024, 08:00 PM UTC
最终幻想系列即将突破2亿销量Final Fantasy franchise nears 200 million copies sold
➀ 最终幻想系列自1987年创立以来,销量已超过1.95亿份。➁ 方向盘公司更新了其系列销量数据,该系列正朝着新的里程碑迈进。➂ 尽管销量令人印象深刻,但该系列目前正经历一段低谷期。➀ The Final Fantasy franchise, established in 1987, has sold over 195 million copies. ➁ Square Enix has updated its sales figures, with the series on track to reach a new milestone. ➂ Despite the impressive sales, the series is currently experiencing a downturn.