07/25/2024, 04:40 PM UTC
苹果明年或将大幅调整iPhone产品线,放弃仅推出两年的Plus型号Apple could make a huge change to its iPhone lineup next year at the cost of a model it only introduced two years ago
1、据报道,苹果计划在iPhone 17系列中放弃仅推出两年的'Plus'型号,转而推出一款新的纤薄型号。2、新机型预计将配备6.6英寸显示屏、A19芯片和单个后置广角摄像头,标志着设计上的重大转变。3、分析师郭明錤认为,'Plus'型号未能获得显著的市场份额,使其在苹果当前的高端产品线中显得多余。1. Apple is reportedly planning to discontinue the 'Plus' variant of the iPhone, introduced only two years ago, in favor of a new slim model for the iPhone 17 lineup. 2. The new model is said to feature a 6.6-inch display, an A19 chip, and a single rear wide camera, marking a significant shift in design. 3. Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo suggests that the 'Plus' model has failed to gain significant market traction, making it redundant in Apple's current high-end offerings.