07/12/2024, 09:23 PM UTC
查尔斯三世国王在访问索尼工厂期间包装第5000万个树莓派King Charles III packs 'fifty millionth Raspberry Pi' during visit to Sony factory
❶ 查尔斯三世国王在访问索尼英国技术中心期间包装了第5000万个树莓派。❷ 此次访问恰逢Pencoed工厂成立50周年,该工厂最初生产索尼的Trinitron电视机,后转为生产树莓派电脑。❸ 国王回顾了旧款树莓派模型,并收到了一个金色盒装的特别版树莓派5,标志着索尼的一个重要里程碑。❶ King Charles III packed the fifty millionth Raspberry Pi during his visit to Sony's UK Technology Center in Pencoed, Wales. ❷ The visit coincided with the 50th anniversary of the Pencoed site, originally a Trinitron television factory, which later shifted to producing Raspberry Pi computers. ❸ The King reviewed older Raspberry Pi models and was presented with a special edition Raspberry Pi 5 in a gold box, marking a significant milestone for Sony.