02/24/2025, 09:00 AM UTC
《SIFU》电影改编不再由《疾速追杀》创作者执笔SIFU film adaptation is no longer being written by the John Wick creator
➀ 热门独立格斗游戏《SIFU》的电影改编项目,最初由《疾速追杀》系列的创作者负责,现在将由Netflix制作。➁ 原编剧Derek Kolstad被T.S. Nowlin取代。➂ 《疾速追杀》团队,包括导演Chad Stahelski,仍参与该项目。➀ The film adaptation of the popular indie fighter/brawler SIFU, initially announced to be headed by the creator of the John Wick franchise, is now being produced by Netflix. ➁ Derek Kolstad, the original writer, has been replaced by T.S. Nowlin. ➂ The John Wick team, including director Chad Stahelski, remains involved in the project.---