10/08/2024, 03:05 PM UTC
经济型伺服驱动器,实现多样化性能Economical Servo Drives For Versatile Performance
➀ Aerotech公司扩展了其Automation1 XA4 PWM伺服驱动器系列,提供成本效益高、性能多样化的配置选项。这些驱动器在提高系统性能的同时降低成本。 ➁ 系列的关键特性包括位置抖动改善、良好的系统性能和稳定性,以及节省空间的设设计。 ➂ 该系列兼容多种电机,支持高电压和峰值电流,是自动化系统的理想选择。➀ Aerotech Inc. has expanded its Automation1 XA4 PWM servo drive series to offer cost-efficient, high-performance options with various configurations. These drives enhance system performance while reducing costs. ➁ Key features include improved in-position jitter, good system performance and stability, and space-saving designs. ➂ The series is compatible with a wide range of motors and supports high voltages and peak currents, making it ideal for automation systems.