11/01/2024, 03:40 PM UTC
基于Arduino的智能城市污水排水防护盾Arduino-based Sewer Drain Shield for Smart Cities
➀ 本文介绍了用于智能城市的DIY污水排水防护盾,使用Arduino技术;➁ 该系统结合超声波传感器、GSM模块、网状物和PVC管道,以减少排水系统中的杂物;➂ 该系统维护成本低、节省劳动力,并支持可持续废物管理,与印度的清洁印度倡议相一致。➀ This article introduces a DIY sewer drain shield system using Arduino for smart cities; ➁ It combines ultrasonic sensors, GSM modules, nets, and PVC pipes to reduce debris in drainage systems; ➂ The system is low-maintenance, labor-saving, and supports sustainable waste management, aligning with the Clean India initiative.