11/14/2024, 06:30 PM UTC
电子测试:Lake Shore Cryotronics的源测量单元测试2D和纳米设备至1nA 3nVElectronica: Source measurement unit tests 2D and nano devices to 1nA 3nV
➀ Lake Shore Cryotronics推出了针对2D和纳米电子设备定制的源测量单元(SMU-10),该单元能够解析至3nV和1fA,电压范围为10mV至10V,电流范围为1nA至100mA。 ➁ 该单元可与交流电和直流电信号一起工作,并设计为Lake Shore的M81-SSM同步源测量系统的扩展,可实现独立控制FET的栅极和源极。 ➂ 该系统适用于信号与噪声比挑战性的低功耗测试应用,例如传感器晶体管和量子计算机读出电子设备。➀ Lake Shore Cryotronics introduces a source measurement unit (SMU-10) optimized for characterizing 2D and nano electronic devices. The SMU-10 can resolve 3nV and 1fA, with voltage ranges from 10mV to 10V and current ranges from 1nA to 100mA. ➁ The unit works with both AC and DC signals and is designed to be an extension of Lake Shore's M81-SSM synchronous source measure system, enabling independent control of FET gates and sources. ➂ The system is useful for low-power test applications with challenging signal-to-noise ratios, such as sensor transistors and quantum computer readout electronics.