02/05/2025, 10:46 AM UTC
浮岛社区 Schoonschip 的动态电价和灵活性营销Dynamic Electricity Prices and Flexibility Marketing for the Floating Residential Project Schoonschip
荷兰的浮岛社区 Schoonschip,由30座配备光伏系统、热泵和电池存储的浮动房屋组成,自1月份以来已接入能源和灵活性市场。来自弗劳恩霍夫技术经济数学研究所(Fraunhofer ITWM)的创新解决方案能够实现消费、本地生产和价格优化的精确实时预测。这使得社区能够在日间市场以最优条件交易电力。同时,一名交易商在不平衡市场上销售30个电池储能单元,提高了灵活性并降低了成员的能源成本。
The Schoonschip community in the Netherlands, consisting of 30 floating houses with photovoltaic systems, heat pumps, and battery storage, has been connected to energy and flexibility markets since January. An innovative solution from the Fraunhofer Institute for Techno- and Economic Mathematics ITWM enables precise real-time forecasts for consumption, local production, and price optimization. This allows the community to trade electricity at optimal conditions on the Day-Ahead market. At the same time, a trader sells the 30 battery storage units on the Imbalance market, increasing flexibility and reducing energy costs for members.
The community is interconnected in a microgrid and also has access to the public power grid. The energy management system developed by Fraunhofer ITWM reduces peak grid consumption and thereby reduces grid usage fees. The researchers have enabled the community to connect to various markets, aiming to position it as a flexible virtual power plant capable of both supplying and absorbing energy.
They can take advantage of dynamic electricity prices on the Day-Ahead market and participate in the Imbalance market with their batteries. The vision is to make the technology accessible to private households and businesses, allowing them to participate in various energy and flexibility markets.