11/08/2024, 04:09 PM UTC
人工智能传感器确保食品质量AI-Powered Sensor Ensuring Food Quality
➀ 宾夕法尼亚州立大学的科研人员开发了一种用于食品安全和诊断的人工智能传感器;➁ 该传感器能够分析液体的细微差异并识别潜在的安全问题;➂ 该技术为评估各行业质量和安全标准提供了一种快速、可靠的工具。➀ Researchers at Penn State University have developed an AI-driven sensor for food safety and diagnostics; ➁ The sensor can analyze subtle differences in liquids and identify potential safety issues; ➂ The technology offers a fast, reliable tool for assessing quality and safety standards across sectors.