03/01/2025, 07:44 PM UTC
我们所知的Skype的终结:微软计划关闭Skype并迁移至TeamsThe End Of Skype As We Know It: Microsoft Plans Shutdown And Teams Migration
➀ 多年来,Skype一直因其语音和视频通话功能而受到人们的喜爱,但其旅程即将结束。
➁ 微软宣布,Skype将于2025年5月被Microsoft Teams取代。
➂ 停止Skype的决定是为了更好地满足客户需求,并专注于功能更强大、能力更全面的Teams。
➀ Skype has been popular for connecting people via voice and video for years, but its journey is coming to an end.
➁ Microsoft announced that Skype will be replaced by Microsoft Teams in May 2025.
➂ The decision to discontinue Skype is to better meet customers' needs and focus on Teams, which has more advanced features and capabilities.