02/18/2025, 12:45 PM UTC
访谈:哪种能源和哪种供暖系统?Interview: Which Energy and Which Heating?
➀ 供暖、改造和能源问题在社会上引起了不满和无奈;
➁ 迈克尔·绍布教授讨论了当前情况以及热泵的使用;
➂ 转换为丙烷热泵的成本和能源效率的挑战被讨论。
➀ The topic of heating, renovation, and energy has caused dissatisfaction and resignation in society;
➁ Professor Dr. Michael Schaub discusses the current situation and the use of heat pumps;
➂ The cost of converting to a Propan heat pump and the challenges of energy efficiency are addressed.