10/28/2024, 01:00 PM UTC
钻石自旋光子量子计算机的重大进展Major Development Successes in Diamond Spin Photon Quantum Computers
➀ SPINNING项目在开发钻石自旋光子量子计算机方面取得了重大进展,具有更低的冷却需求和更长的运行时间。➁ 项目成功展示了量子比特寄存器在长距离上的纠缠,并实现了高保真度。➂ 与超导约瑟夫森结量子计算机相比,优势包括更低的错误率和更长的相干时间。➀ The SPINNING project has made significant strides in developing diamond spin-photon quantum computers with lower cooling requirements and longer operating times.➁ The project demonstrates entanglement of qubit registers over long distances with high fidelity.➂ Advantages over superconducting Josephson junction quantum computers include lower error rates and longer coherence times.