11/19/2024, 11:16 PM UTC
月球背面岩石样本揭示火山之谜,但与平克·弗洛伊德无关Dark Side Of The Moon Rock Sample Reveals A Volcanic Surprise But No Pink Floyd
➀ 中国研究人员分析了嫦娥六号任务带回的月球背面岩石样本;➁ 样本揭示了长达数十亿年的火山历史;➂ 最古老的月球玄武岩碎片可追溯至42亿年前,表明至少在42亿到28亿年前,月球背面有高达14亿年的火山活动。➀ Chinese researchers analyzed rock samples from the far side of the Moon returned by the Chang'e-6 mission; ➁ The samples revealed a volcanic history spanning billions of years; ➂ The oldest lunar basalt fragment dates back to 4.2 billion years ago, indicating high volcanic activity for at least 1.4 billion years.