01/31/2025, 07:45 AM UTC
构建人体安全设备 | 代码和电路可用Human Safety Device To Monitor Kids, Elderly, And Sick
➀ 文章讨论了一种用于监测儿童、老人以及有医疗条件的人等易受伤害个体的人体安全设备。该设备使用了IndusBoard Coin,集成了用于跌倒检测的MEMS传感器、用于健康监控的温度传感器,以及用于位置跟踪和通信的GPS/GSM模块。
➁ 设备具有自动和手动响应功能,能够通过SMS发送包含GPS坐标和传感器数据的警报到紧急联系人。温度传感器还可以在读数异常时触发警报,表明可能有健康危机。
➂ 未来的迭代可能会包括更多传感器、可穿戴设计和一个移动应用,以便实时跟踪和控制。尽管该设备依赖于GSM网络覆盖和电池寿命,但它代表了个人安全领域的一个重要进步。
➀ The article discusses a human safety device designed to monitor vulnerable individuals such as children, the elderly, and people with medical conditions. The device uses an IndusBoard Coin, integrating MEMS sensors for fall detection, temperature sensors for health monitoring, and GPS/GSM modules for location tracking and communication.
➁ It features automatic and manual response capabilities, with the ability to send alerts via SMS containing GPS coordinates and sensor data to emergency contacts. The temperature sensor can also trigger alerts for abnormal readings, indicating potential health crises.
➂ Future iterations may include additional sensors, wearable designs, and a mobile app for real-time tracking and control. Despite dependencies on GSM network coverage and battery life, the device represents a significant advancement in personal safety.