12/02/2024, 02:02 PM UTC
Inelco Hunter 正在出货 IP68 和 IP69K 连接器Inelco Hunter shipping IP68 and IP69K connectors
➀ Inelco Hunter 正在出货 Sine Systems 的 ARB 系列连接器;➁ 这些连接器具有 IP68 和 IP69K 防护等级,拥有重载矩形热塑性外壳;➂ 设计用于控制和非控制环境中的高引脚数应用,适用于交通、越野重型设备和汽车行业。➀ Inelco Hunter is shipping Sine Systems' ARB Series Connectors; ➁ The connectors are IP68 and IP69K rated with heavy-duty rectangular thermoplastic housings; ➂ Designed for high pin-count applications in controlled and uncontrolled environments, suitable for transportation, off-road heavy equipment, and automotive industries.