02/05/2025, 09:33 AM UTC
乌尔姆雷达研究者Christian Waldschmidt教授成为acatech新成员Ulm Radar Researcher Professor Christian Waldschmidt Welcomed as New acatech Member
➀ 乌尔姆大学的Christian Waldschmidt教授已成为德国技术科学学院(acatech)的新成员。
➁ 他是一位在国际上享有盛誉的高频技术专家,从事天线和雷达系统以及卫星通信的研究。
➂ Waldschmidt利用他的科学专长,支持acatech履行其社会责任:科学政策咨询。
➀ Professor Christian Waldschmidt of the University of Ulm has become a new member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech).
➁ He is an internationally recognized expert in high-frequency technology and conducts research on antenna and radar systems as well as satellite communication.
➂ Waldschmidt supports acatech with his scientific expertise in fulfilling their social mission: scientific policy advice.
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