10/31/2024, 01:00 AM UTC
三星将在家用电器中使用高通处理器而非自家的Exynos处理器[News] Samsung Reported to Use Qualcomm Processors Instead of Its Exynos Processors in Home Appliances
➀ 据报道, 三星将在家用电器中弃用自家的Exynos处理器,转而使用高通的Snapdragon处理器;➁ 这一举措是三星扩大Snapdragon处理器在Galaxy旗舰手机中使用范围策略的一部分;➂ TechNews指出,这一变动可能会影响三星家用电器产品的性能和成本。➀ Samsung is reportedly replacing its Exynos processors with Qualcomm Snapdragon processors in home appliances; ➁ The move is part of Samsung's strategy to expand the use of Snapdragon processors in its Galaxy flagship phones; ➂ TechNews reports that this change could affect the performance and cost of Samsung's home appliance products.---