12/13/2024, 02:15 PM UTC
英国在塑料电子领域的领先地位UK Leads In Plastic Electronics
➀ 英国在塑料电子领域是全球的领导者;➁ 曼德尔森勋爵强调了为行业制定路线图的重要性,以从尖端技术走向大众市场;➂ 斯旺西大学和威尔士印刷与涂覆中心参与开发使用塑料电子的新产品线。➀ The UK has been a global leader in the Plastic Electronics sector; ➁ Lord Mandelson emphasized the importance of a roadmap for the industry to move from cutting-edge to mass market; ➂ Swansea University and the Welsh Centre for Printing and Coating are involved in developing new product lines using plastic electronics.---