09/11/2024, 06:15 PM UTC
75% 的 PS5 用户更喜欢性能模式——据 PlayStation 报道75% of all PS5 owners prefer Performance Mode according to PlayStation
➀ 根据 PlayStation 的数据,75% 的 PS5 用户更倾向于性能模式而非画质模式;➁ 控制台架构师 Mark Cerny 揭示,尽管 25% 的 PS5 用户拥有 120fps 的电视,但大多数玩家会选择性能模式以获得更高的帧率;➂ PS5 Pro 旨在在图形和帧率之间不妥协。➀ According to PlayStation, 75% of all PS5 owners prefer Performance Mode over the fidelity option; ➁ Mark Cerny, the console architect, revealed that while 25% of PS5 owners have a 120 fps-capable TV, most players will choose performance mode for higher framerates; ➂ The PS5 Pro aims to offer no compromise between graphics and framerate.