10/08/2024, 09:58 PM UTC
欧洲航天局发射汽车大小的探测器,调查太空中的宇宙碰撞现场ESA Launches Car-Sized Probe To Investigate Cosmic Crash Scene In Space
➀ 欧洲航天局的赫拉航天器正在前往2022年美国宇航局DART任务撞击的小行星。该探测器是研究小行星偏转的动能撞击技术的一部分。 ➁ 赫拉将对小行星迪摩罗斯进行详细调查,并执行深空技术实验。 ➂ 航天器预计将于2026年秋季抵达双小行星,为行星防御提供宝贵数据。➀ The European Space Agency's Hera spacecraft is en route to the asteroid impacted by NASA's DART mission in 2022. The probe is part of a mission to study the 'kinetic impact' technique for asteroid deflection. ➁ Hera will conduct detailed surveys of the asteroid Dimorphos and perform deep-space technology experiments. ➂ The spacecraft is expected to arrive at the binary asteroid in autumn 2026, providing valuable data for planetary defense.