01/03/2025, 06:29 AM UTC
利用传感器和人工智能减少动物碰撞Reducing Animal Collisions With Sensors And AI
来自OïkoLab和TerrOïko的研究团队开发了一种利用传感器、人工智能和生态建模来减少动物与车辆碰撞的方法。该方法包括绘制碰撞风险图、部署传感器和使用人工智能分析数据,最终生成显示物种丰富度和碰撞风险的地图。该方法已在法国西南部的一段铁路上进行了测试,并可以应用于其他交通系统。A research team from OïkoLab and TerrOïko has developed a method to reduce collisions between animals and vehicles using sensors, AI, and ecological modeling. The approach includes mapping collision risks, deploying sensors, and using AI to analyze data, resulting in a map showing species abundance and collision risk. The method has been tested on a railway segment in southwest France and can be applied to other transportation systems.---