06/25/2024, 01:54 PM UTC
CML Micro推出用于卫星通信终端的Ka波段氮化镓功率放大器GaN Power Amplifier For Satellite Communication Terminals
1、CML Micro推出了一款专为商业高容量卫星通信终端设计的Ka波段氮化镓功率放大器CMX90A705。2、该放大器具有+37.4 dBm的功率输出,工作频率范围为27.5至31 GHz,并提供16.5 dB的小信号增益。3、它设计用于易于集成,并针对商业Ka波段卫星通信终端、块上变频器、VSAT和SSPA等应用。1. CML Micro has introduced the CMX90A705, a Ka-band GaN power amplifier designed for commercial high-volume satellite communication terminals. 2. The amplifier features +37.4 dBm power output, operates in the 27.5 to 31 GHz frequency range, and offers 16.5 dB of small signal gain. 3. It is designed for easy integration and targets applications like commercial Ka-band satcom terminals, block up-converters, VSAT, and SSPAs.