12/04/2024, 09:28 AM UTC
Tenstorrent 完成巨额 D 轮融资Tenstorrent Closes a Big Series D Round
➀ 吉尔·凯勒的 AI 芯片创业公司 Tenstorrent 成功完成了价值约 6.93 亿美元的 D 轮巨额融资,估值达到 20 亿美元。➁ 该公司基于 RISC-V 内核的 AI 平台采用以太网进行扩展。➂ Tenstorrent 已完成约 1.5 亿美元的订单,并获得了三星、LG 技术风险投资和现代汽车集团等公司的投资。➀ Tenstorrent, Jim Keller's AI chip startup, has closed a significant Series D round worth approximately $693 million. The startup is valued at $2 billion. ➁ The company's AI platform is built on RISC-V cores and uses Ethernet for scaling. ➂ Tenstorrent has around $150 million in closed deals and has received investments from Samsung, LG Technology Ventures, and Hyundai Motor Group, among others.