10/29/2024, 04:30 PM UTC
生物电位传感器和3D加速度计一体的可穿戴芯片Electronica: Bio-potential sensor and 3D accelerometer in one chip for wearables
➀ 意法半导体公司正在开发一款用于医疗可穿戴设备的IC,该设备可以感应生物电位和加速度,并配备AI处理器和有限状态机以实现计步器、步态检测和计步功能。➁ 单个生物电位通道包含可编程增益放大器和12位ADC,采样率可达3.2kHz。➂ 加速度计可以编程在±2g到±16g的满量程范围内。➀ STMicroelectronics is developing an IC for healthcare wearables that senses bio-potentials and acceleration, featuring an AI processor and finite state machine for pedometer, step detection, and counting. ➁ The single bio-potential channel includes a programmable gain amplifier and a 12-bit ADC for sampling up to 3.2kHz. ➂ The accelerometer can be programmed for full-scale between ±2 and ±16g.