09/25/2024, 08:13 AM UTC
2024年第一季度前十(除5家外)可穿戴设备供应商Top Ten (less 5) Wearables Suppliers In Q1
➀ 本文根据出货量、市场份额和同比增长率,列出了2024年第一季度可穿戴设备供应商的前五名,其中苹果公司位居首位。➁ 小米、华为和三星也受到关注,展示了显著的增长率。➂ 文章数据来源于IDC的全球可穿戴设备季度追踪报告。➀ This article presents the top five wearable device suppliers in Q1 2024 based on shipment volume, market share, and year-over-year growth, with Apple leading the list. ➁ Xiaomi, Huawei, and Samsung are also highlighted, showcasing significant growth rates. ➂ The article is sourced from IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Wearables Tracker.