09/02/2024, 08:15 PM UTC
降息前买入的两只REITs2 REITs To Buy Before Rate Cuts
1、随着利率预计将下降,REITs的价值正在飙升。2、Dream Industrial和Clipper Realty是两只从强劲租金增长中受益的REITs,预计将从即将到来的降息中进一步获益。3、这两只REITs相对于同行被低估,提供了显著回报的潜力。1. REITs are experiencing a surge in value as interest rates are expected to decrease. 2. Dream Industrial and Clipper Realty are two REITs benefiting from strong rent growth and are expected to gain further from upcoming rate cuts. 3. Both REITs are undervalued compared to their peers, offering potential for significant returns.