10/11/2024, 10:06 PM UTC
《细胞分裂》重制版正在顺利进行The Splinter Cell Remake is alive and well
➀ 育碧的《细胞分裂》重制版仍在积极开发中;➁ 该游戏不使用虚幻引擎,而是选择了育碧的Snowdrop引擎;➂ 游戏预计于2026年发布,但时间表尚不确定。➀ Ubisoft's Splinter Cell remake is still in active development; ➁ The game is not using Unreal Engine, instead opting for Ubisoft's Snowdrop engine; ➂ The game's release is anticipated for 2026, but the timeline is uncertain.