07/09/2024, 09:00 PM UTC
华硕在部分主板上启用Windows动态光效Asus enables Windows Dynamic Lighting on select motherboards
1、华硕率先在搭载AMD 600和Intel 700芯片组的部分主板上支持Windows动态光效。2、Windows动态光效功能允许用户自定义和同步多个设备的光效。3、该功能可通过BIOS中的LED光效选项启用或禁用。1. Asus is among the first to support Windows Dynamic Lighting on select motherboards with AMD 600 and Intel 700 chipsets. 2. Windows Dynamic Lighting allows users to customize and synchronize lighting across multiple devices. 3. The feature can be activated or disabled via the BIOS under the LED Lighting tab.