08/08/2024, 03:39 PM UTC
英飞凌在马来西亚开设碳化硅工厂Infineon opens Malaysian SiC fab
➀ 英飞凌在马来西亚启动了其200mm碳化硅工厂的第一阶段,该项目耗资20亿欧元。➁ 马来西亚总理强调了该项目在提升马来西亚作为全球半导体中心地位以及对气候保护的贡献。➂ 第二阶段完成后,该工厂预计将成为全球最大、最高效的200mm碳化硅工厂,创造多达4,000个就业机会。➀ Infineon has inaugurated the first phase of its 200mm SiC fab in Malaysia, a €2 billion project. ➁ The Malaysian Prime Minister highlighted the project's role in enhancing Malaysia's status as a global semiconductor hub and its contribution to climate protection. ➂ Upon completion of the second phase, the fab is expected to become the world's largest and most efficient 200mm SiC facility, creating up to 4,000 jobs.