08/21/2024, 02:19 PM UTC
UTG:可能从多次降息中显著受益UTG: Should Benefit Significantly From What Likely Will Be Multiple Rate Cuts
1、投资环境发生变化,消费者支出下降,预计将降息。2、Reaves Utility Income Trust(UTG)在低利率环境中受益,但在高利率环境下表现不佳。3、由于公用事业行业和UTG的杠杆模型可能从预期的低利率中受益,UTG评级上调至持有。1. The investing environment has shifted with declining consumer spending and expected rate cuts. 2. Reaves Utility Income Trust (UTG) has historically benefited from low-rate environments but struggled in high-rate scenarios. 3. UTG is upgraded to a hold as the utility industry and UTG's leveraged model are likely to benefit from anticipated lower rates.
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