12/02/2024, 07:52 PM UTC
控制原子层面的物质:巴斯大学重大突破Controlling Matter at the Atomic Level: University of Bath Breakthrough
➀ 巴斯大学的物理学家领导的研究团队在纳米技术领域取得重大突破,能够控制单分子化学反应。这对基础科学理解有深远影响,并可能改变新药物的开发。 ➁ 该研究发表在《自然通讯》杂志上,使用扫描隧道显微镜通过选择性地操纵电荷状态和共振来控制反应结果的可能性。 ➂ 这些发现可能导致分子制造的新前沿,并在医学、清洁能源等领域开辟新的创新道路。➀ University of Bath physicists lead a team that has made a significant breakthrough in nanotechnology, enabling control over single-molecule chemical reactions. This has profound implications for fundamental scientific understanding and could transform the development of new medications. ➁ The research, published in Nature Communications, uses a scanning tunnelling microscope to control the probability of reaction outcomes by selectively manipulating charge states and resonances. ➂ The findings could lead to new frontiers in molecular manufacturing, with potential applications in medicine, clean energy, and beyond.