01/23/2025, 12:04 PM UTC
未来量子互联网的第一个节点在亚琛建立First Node for the Quantum Internet of the Future Established in Aachen
➀ 柏林弗劳恩霍夫激光技术研究所(ILT)已经在德国亚琛建立了未来量子互联网的第一个节点。
➁ 该节点是更大项目的一部分,旨在开发城市规模的量子网络,安全且强大地连接量子计算机和传感器。
➂ 该项目涉及多个合作伙伴,包括QuTech、OPNT B.V.、Element6和TOPTICA Photonics AG,并旨在解决中继器问题,以促进跨境量子互联网的发展。
➀ The Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT has established the first node for the quantum internet of the future in Aachen, Germany.
➁ This node is part of a larger project aimed at developing metropolitan scale quantum networks, connecting quantum computers and sensors securely and powerfully.
➂ The project involves multiple partners including QuTech, OPNT B.V., Element6, and TOPTICA Photonics AG, and aims to solve the repeater problem to facilitate a cross-border quantum internet.