07/20/2024, 09:00 PM UTC
Tom's Hardware评测:LevelPlay的Combat Air CA4静音散热器Levelplay Combat Air CA4 CPU Cooler Review: Quietly delivering essential performance
❶ LevelPlay的Combat Air CA4 CPU散热器以29.99美元的价格提供了常见任务所需的基本散热性能。❷ 它具有紧凑的设计,低噪音水平,并与英特尔和AMD平台兼容。❸ 然而,缺少用户手册可能会让新手用户感到困惑。❶ The LevelPlay Combat Air CA4 CPU Cooler offers essential cooling performance for common tasks at a reasonable price of $29.99 USD. ❷ It features a compact design with low noise levels and compatibility with both Intel and AMD platforms. ❸ However, the lack of a user manual can be confusing for novice users.