02/08/2025, 07:14 PM UTC
如何在您的安卓手机上侧载TikTokHere's How To Sideload TikTok on your Android Phone
➀ 由于TikTok的禁令,该应用已被从Google Play和App Stores中移除;
➁ TikTok为安卓用户创建了一个直接从其网站下载应用的替代方案;
➂ 提供了在安卓设备上安装APK的步骤。
➀ Since the TikTok ban, the app has been removed from Google Play and App Stores;
➁ TikTok has created an alternative for Android users to download the app directly from its website;
➂ Steps to install the APK on Android devices are provided.