09/19/2024, 04:00 PM UTC
格拉茨科技大学研究人员改进微型电机Researchers at Graz University of Technology Improve Miniature Electric Motors
➀ 格拉茨科技大学的研究人员通过创新设计、改进的控制技术和新的生产技术,开发了更高效、更安静的微型电机。这些电机广泛应用于家用电器、工具、电脑和现代汽车。➁ 通过修改电机的爪子,研究团队减少了振动,噪音减少了70%。➂ 他们还简化了电流流的控制,减少了开关损耗,提高了整体效率。现在这些电机需要的电容器更少,降低了成本。➀ Researchers at Graz University of Technology have developed more efficient and quieter miniature electric motors through innovative design, improved control technology, and new production techniques. These motors are used in a wide range of household appliances, tools, computers, and modern cars. ➁ The team reduced vibrations by modifying the claws of the motors, leading to a 70% reduction in noise. ➂ They also simplified the regulation of current flow, reducing switching losses and improving overall efficiency. The motors now require fewer capacitors, lowering costs.