08/23/2024, 01:21 PM UTC
VBR:这种廉价且复杂的排名方法已经失败VBR: This Cheap, Sophisticated Ranking Approach Has Failed
1、VBR是一种价值小盘股ETF,表现逊于大盘及其同类产品。2、CRSP美国小盘价值指数的复杂方法可能存在缺陷,缺乏传统的价值偏差因子。3、尽管成本效益高,VBR无法超越其同行的能力引发了对其长期可行性的担忧。1. VBR, a value small-cap ETF, has underperformed both the broad market and its counterparts. 2. The sophisticated methodology of the CRSP US Small Cap Value Index may be flawed, lacking a traditional value bias factor. 3. Despite being cost-effective, VBR's inability to outperform its peers raises concerns about its long-term viability.