01/06/2025, 02:32 PM UTC
科赛尔在GeForce RTX 50系列显卡发布前推出下一代GPU准备页面Corsair Unveils Next-Gen GPU Ready Landing Page Ahead Of GeForce RTX 50 Launch
➀ 科赛尔推出针对下一代GeForce RTX 50显卡的着陆页面,突出其准备就绪的产品;➁ 强调具有足够空间和冷却解决方案的PC机箱;➂ 科赛尔电源从750W到1600W不等,以支持新显卡。➀ Corsair unveils a landing page highlighting its products ready for the next-gen GeForce RTX 50 GPUs; ➁ Emphasis on PC cases with sufficient space and cooling solutions; ➂ Corsair PSUs ranging from 750W to 1600W to support the new GPUs.---