07/31/2024, 08:51 PM UTC
NASA的DART任务精准命中,揭示小行星秘密NASA's DART Mission Scores Bullseye As Spacecraft Smackdown Exposes Asteroid Secrets
1、NASA的DART任务提供了关于双小行星系统起源和形成的新见解。2、该任务有助于描述小行星的起源和演化,并限制其物理特性。3、这些发现增强了我们对近地天体和太阳系历史的理解。1. NASA's DART mission provided insights into the origin and formation of the binary asteroid system. 2. The mission helped characterize the asteroids' origin and evolution, and constrain their physical characteristics. 3. The findings enhance understanding of near-Earth objects and the history of the Solar System.