09/19/2024, 05:00 PM UTC
刺客信条:影之继承者地图将小于《瓦尔哈拉》Assassin’s Creed Shadows’ map will be smaller than Valhalla’s
➀ 《刺客信条》系列从潜行游戏逐渐转变为开放世界RPG,地图往往过大。➁ 育碧似乎正在解决这个问题,将《刺客信条:影之继承者》的地图大小定在《瓦尔哈拉》之下但大于《刺客信条:幻影》。➂ 将《刺客信条:影之继承者》的地图大小与之前的游戏如《刺客信条:兄弟会》和《刺客信条:奥德赛》进行比较,突显了该系列地图大小随时间的变化。➀ The Assassin's Creed series has been evolving from a stealth game to an open-world RPG, often featuring maps that are unnecessarily large. ➁ Ubisoft seems to be addressing this by making the map of Assassin's Creed Shadows smaller than Valhalla's but larger than AC: Mirage. ➂ The map size of Assassin's Creed Shadows is compared to previous games like Syndicate and Odyssey, highlighting the changes in map size over the series' history.