09/15/2024, 08:50 PM UTC
银欣展示即将推出的Fara 515XR中塔机箱Silverstone shows off upcoming Fara 515XR mid-tower chassis
➀ Fara 515XR拥有时尚的设计和亲民的价格;➁ 支持ATX主板,并提供多种散热和存储选项;➂ 机箱提供黑白色两款,在欧洲售价约为65欧元。➀ The Fara 515XR features a sleek design and budget-friendly appeal; ➁ It supports ATX motherboards and has various cooling and storage options; ➂ The case is available in black and white colors and is priced around €65 in Europe.