11/11/2024, 09:45 PM UTC
科乐美批准《合金装备:Delta》重制,因为“年轻一代玩家不再熟悉合金装备系列”Konami greenlit MGS: Delta because “younger generation of gamers aren’t familiar with the Metal Gear series anymore”
➀ 科乐美批准《合金装备:Delta》重制,因为年轻玩家对合金装备系列不再熟悉;➁ 制作人冈村直明强调保持系列活力以传承给未来一代的使命;➂ 讨论了Solid Snake的遗产以及保留合金装备系列以供未来传承的必要性。➀ Konami has greenlit the MGS: Delta remake due to the younger generation's unfamiliarity with the Metal Gear series; ➁ Producer Noriaki Okamura emphasizes the mission to keep the series alive for future generations; ➂ The legacy of Solid Snake and the need to preserve the Metal Gear series for the future are discussed.
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