09/03/2024, 07:19 PM UTC
请更多芯片资金池基金More Chip Slush Funds Please
➀ 欧洲半导体产业协会(ESIA)请求第二项芯片法案,未对第一项芯片法案的成果进行核算,该法案未能将欧盟芯片产量提升至全球市场的20%。➁ 欧洲领先芯片制造的唯一提议——马格德堡的英特尔项目,似乎越来越不可能实现。➂ ESIA要求设立芯片特使、减少出口限制并加快援助分配,表明了对持续财政支持的偏好,而无需实质性成果。➀ The European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA) is requesting a second Chips Act without accounting for the outcomes of the first one, which failed to boost EU chip production to 20% of the global market. ➁ The only proposed initiative for leading-edge chip manufacturing in Europe, Intel at Magdeburg, seems increasingly unlikely. ➂ ESIA is asking for a chip envoy, reduced export restrictions, and quicker distribution of aid, indicating a preference for continuous financial support without tangible deliverables.
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