07/09/2024, 08:18 PM UTC
数字化校园生活中的安全系统:教育信息系统的数据保护认证Secure Systems in the Digital School Life: Data Protection Certification for Educational Information Systems
1. 卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(KIT)和卡塞尔大学的研究人员开发了名为DIRECTIONS的教育信息系统数据保护认证。2. 该认证旨在确保教育领域信息系统符合GDPR及其他相关法律。3. 已发布一个标准目录,指导提供商实现数据保护认证,并将与选定的教育系统提供商进行测试。1. Researchers from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and University of Kassel have developed a data protection certification for educational information systems called DIRECTIONS. 2. The certification aims to ensure compliance with GDPR and other relevant laws in the education sector. 3. A criteria catalog has been published to guide providers in achieving data protection certification, which will be tested with selected educational system providers.
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