01/09/2025, 03:06 PM UTC
雷蛇发布Project Arielle网格游戏椅概念:为你的臀部提供温暖或冷却Razer Unveils Project Arielle Mesh Gaming Chair Concept To Warm Or Cool Your Tushy
➀ 雷蛇在CES 2025上展示了新的游戏椅概念Project Arielle;➁ 该椅子集成了加热和冷却系统;➂ 设计旨在在不打扰游戏的情况下提供最佳舒适度。➀ Razer showcases a new gaming chair concept, Project Arielle, at CES 2025; ➁ The chair features integrated heating and cooling systems; ➂ It is designed for optimal comfort without interrupting gameplay.---