07/19/2024, 01:46 PM UTC
汽车SEPIC参考设计优化后尾灯设计Automotive SEPIC Reference Design
1、Onsemi的SEPIC参考设计简化了汽车后尾灯设计,确保了输入电压范围内的稳定电压调节和强劲性能。2、该设计采用NCV887103控制器,具备峰值电流模式控制和宽输入电压范围等特点。3、设计包含完整的BOM、原理图和PCB布局,已通过测试并在Onsemi网站上提供。1. The SEPIC reference design by Onsemi simplifies automotive rear lighting design, ensuring stable voltage regulation and robust performance across input voltages. 2. This design utilizes the NCV887103 controller, offering features like peak current mode control and wide input voltage range. 3. The design includes a comprehensive BOM, schematics, and PCB layout, tested and available on Onsemi's website.
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