12/05/2024, 06:02 AM UTC
牛津巷资本公司:不要追逐21%的股息收益率Oxford Lane: Don't Chase This 21% Yield
1. 牛津巷资本公司提供21%的高股息收益率,但交易价格高于净资产价值,且总回报记录不足以令人信服。2. 与更广泛的市场相比,该基金价格增值潜力较弱,其表现不佳已得到验证。3. 由于投资不具有抗衰退性,以及近期经济指标显示潜在的经济衰退风险,该基金未为可能的衰退做好准备。1. Oxford Lane Capital Corporation offers a high dividend yield of 21% but trades above net asset value and has an unconvincing total return track record. 2. The fund's weak price appreciation potential has been validated by its underperformance compared to the broader market. 3. The fund is not well-positioned for a potential recession due to non-recession-resistant investments and recent economic indicators suggesting potential downturn risks.---