08/23/2024, 01:06 PM UTC
Space Norway 和 Viasat 瞄准北极地区宽带覆盖Space Norway, Viasat eyes Arctic region broadband coverage
➀ Space Norway 和 Viasat 正在合作进行北极卫星宽带任务(ASBM),旨在从极地轨道为北极地区提供宽带连接。➁ 该任务由 Space Norway 的子公司 Heosat 领导,已成功发射了两颗携带 Ka 波段有效载荷的卫星(ASBM-1 和 ASBM-2),以扩展 Viasat 的全球网络。➂ 这些卫星预计将在2025年初至年中投入使用,提供北纬65°以北地区的覆盖,采用独特的高椭圆轨道(HEO)。➀ Space Norway and Viasat are collaborating on the Arctic Satellite Broadband Mission (ASBM) to provide broadband connectivity in the Arctic region from polar orbits. ➁ The mission, led by Space Norway's subsidiary Heosat, has successfully launched two satellites (ASBM-1 and ASBM-2) carrying Ka-band payloads to extend Viasat's global network. ➂ The satellites are expected to enter service in early to mid-2025, offering coverage north of 65°N with a unique highly elliptical orbit (HEO).
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